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Team 7

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Ahmed Gebril
Eman Ibet
Amanda Wells
Aya ElNemr

Dr. Jin Zhu


Town of Thompson, CT

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Conceptual Redevelopment Plan for 630 Riverside Drive

The town of Thompson, Connecticut has requested a conceptual redevelopment plan for the lot located at 630 Riverside Drive, in the North Grosvenor Dale neighborhood of Thompson. This 33-acre site currently contains the remnants of the former Belding-Corticelli thread mill, with only the smokestack, stairwell tower, and guard shack remaining from the structure. The rest of the property has been demolished for parts, leaving behind concrete slabs, piles of bricks, and environmental contamination. The conceptual redevelopment plan for this brownfield site is to be created with the intention of soliciting a private developer through an RFP process to take over the site. The northern portion of the site, where structural remnants of the old mill currently lie, will be designated for mixed-use development and handled by the private developer. The southern portion of the site, therefore, will be the focus of this project. The town is looking for engineering assistance from our team for a site design plan in this area, including a focus on LID drainage and landscape design.