Team 6

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Alex Manasoiu
Jonathan Ameri
Thomas Bergendahl
Dylan Catapano
Eddie Kruah
Jackson Difloures

Swapna Gokhale


UConn College of Engineering

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UConn Marketplace

As students at UCONN go through the college experience, each year can look and be completely different from the rest. Whether it’s where you live or classes you take, the necessary supplies for a student can rapidly change from year to year and can be quite costly for the “broke college student”. Buying new supplies each semester can be expensive, feel overwhelming and unnecessary especially when many items are only used for a single year. Our idea is to create a marketplace for the UCONN community where students can buy and sell things at a cheaper rate than what they could find elsewhere. Such items could be textbooks, furniture, clothes, or even essential dorm supplies that a student moving off campus no longer needs. This is a way for the UCONN community to support each other and also diminish waste from perfectly good items being thrown away just because they’re no longer needed for that particular student.