team photo

Figure 1
project photo

Figure 2
project photo

Team 5

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Nicholas Bonito
Nicolas Tschudi
Sam Kokomoor
Ekam Rai
Michael Kokines

Hanna Aknouche-Martinsson


UConn Computer Science & Engineering Department

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Our group sought to develop a Contact Tracing and Risk Analysis application that was aimed at providing a community like a university with a tool to combat the spread of Covid-19. To achieve this objective and lower the barriers to adoption, the application was designed to work on both Androids and Apple iPhones. Rather than writing two separate sets of code, our group used an open-source framework called Nativescript that is used to develop mobile apps on iOS and Android simultaneously. The application was written in Typescript, JavaScript, XML, and SCSS. The group also used the Google Firebase platform for user authentication, and as a NoSQL Realtime database. User authentication pertains to verifying the identity of a user through account creation and login. In terms of what was accomplished by the team this semester, users are able to submit a variety of data forms that ask about their Covid-19 and flu vaccination status, Covid-19 symptoms as outlined by the CDC, and the results of any Covid-19 tests taken. Users are able to query these data forms by specifying a maximum quantity of data forms to retrieve, the type of data form to retrieve, and a date and time range between which to query the database. Users are then able to review the results of these queries. Accounts are associated with a unique ID generated by Firebase. All data in the database is stored with the ID as part of the path. This was done to make it efficient to perform a query. The entire database is not searched when a query is performed. The query is localized to a region of the database using the unique user id. A logical next step for the project would be to use Bluetooth to log when two authenticated users are in close proximity for a duration of time above a threshold such as 5 or 10 minutes. Then users can be informed at some point in the day that they have been in close proximity to someone who has been exhibiting symptoms of Covid-19 or who has self-reported a positive Covid-19 test.