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Team 1

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Foster Rowberry
James Paulella Jr
Bradshaw Pines
Kevin Romero
Peter Virtue

Bing Wang



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CT National Guard Cyber Range

The CT National Guard Cyber Range 2021 Project focuses on working with the ongoing project that was developed last year. This year, the goal was to move the cyber range to the cloud for remote access. Currently, the cyber range simulates two blue team scenarios: a ransomware attack and a vulnerable Active Directory access page. As cyber attacks–more specifically ransomware attacks–are rising in use, this cyber security project holds real world, practical applications. With this year’s team, each scenario is now remotely deployable, allowing CTNG trainees to practice National Guard battle plans from wherever. The project uses Amazon Web Services for cloud compute virtual machines, with Terraform for automating virtual machine deployment. Furthermore, practice scenarios are now easily addable due to the abstraction that was made possible through virtualization. The current scenarios are built with a variety of technologies, from Powershell scripts and Active Directory on Windows to Apache on Linux, but a wider variety is possible with ability to build and add any scenarios desired. Making the ongoing project more easily modifiable and adaptable allows the CTNG and any further teams to build quicker. This is essential as cyber security is now more important than ever, and any solutions in the field must be able to evolve quickly.