For information about sponsoring a Senior Design project, or becoming a company ambassador for Senior Design, please contact Charles Maric, Director of Technical Business Development, Senior Design Projects.
Charles Maric
Mobile: (860) 428-2258
Dr. Daniel Burkey
Professor-in-Residence, Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering
Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education and Diversity
University Teaching Fellow
The faculty listed here are responsible for their respective department's participation in the College of Engineering Capstone Senior Design Project and our annual Senior Design Demonstration Day. Each academic year, these faculty members work on establishing their department’s senior design project teams, promoting the highest academic standards, and setting up processes for evaluating and judging completed projects. Their efforts are informed by College of Engineering guidelines and rely on the support of our industry partners.
Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Krystyna Gielo-Perczak
Biomedical Engineering
Dr. Patrick Kumavor
Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Dr. Jennifer Pascal
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Dr. Wei Zhang
School of Computing
Dr. Song Han
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Liang Zhang
Management & Engineering for Manufacturing
Dr. Rajiv Naik
Materials Science & Engineering
Dr. Fiona Leek
School of Mechanical Aerospace and Manufacturing
Dr. Vito Moreno
Multidisciplinary Engineering
Dr. Jorge Paricio Garcia
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