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Team 4

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Jacqueline Cooper
Margaret Easson
Nayara Zainadine

Liisa Kuhn



sponsored by
Beekley Family Foundation, Connecticut Breast Health Initiative, UCONN School of Engineering


The purpose of this design project is to develop improved breast forms for women who have gone through a single or double mastectomy. After a mastectomy, breast cancer survivors are left with scars from the procedure [1] where their breasts once were. This can leave patients with a feeling of being noticeably different and impact their overall self-esteem. Current breast forms are commercially available and come in a myriad of materials and styles, however, they all encompass the same issues: lack of natural symmetry with patients’ chest walls, uncomfortable fit, and a heavy weight that acts as a reminder of the breast forms’ existence [2]. Through the use of a bioprinter, an elastomer will be used in order to create a more suitable breast form for each individual patient. The durability and comfortability of these forms will be tested through the use of each prototype on the patients. In terms of the material properties, compression strength tests as well as further feedback from the patient will allow for the breast form to be put under conditions the patients may experience in their day-to-day lives.