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Figure 1
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Figure 2
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Team 5

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Warren Strong
Scott Seperack
Fatima Muhammed
Christopher Cesare

Dr. John Ivan



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Downtown Mystic Transportation Improvements

The goal of this project is to redesign downtown Mystic to better accommodate parking for the rising number of visitors to the area and for better pedestrian accessibility. Both in turn will improve traffic flow and congestion in the area in the short term and long term. After visiting the site, we identified several areas which contributed most to traffic congestion in the area. These include: lack of parking accommodations, pedestrian accessibility, and Improved Signage. With only one parking lot available to the public and few on-street parking spaces, people circling the area looking for parking was a main contributor to traffic. While there are many crosswalks in the downtown area, pedestrian access to the storefronts can be improved. Mobility within the downtown area is key to a successful shared space. In order to incorporate our changes into the current environment, we propose the addition of signage that guides pedestrians from the new parking facilities to the storefront area. In order to solve the problems contributing to traffic congestion in the area, we have identified points of focus for our design phase. For parking accommodations, we propose an addition of a parking structure in place of the existing Art Museum Parking Lot along Water Street. For intersection design, we will redesign the intersection of Route 1 and Water Street which will be greatly impacted by the proposed structure on Water Street. Lastly we will improve pedestrian accommodations and way-finding by including proper signage and accessible pedestrian walkways.