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Figure 2
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Team 33

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Sunny Sarker
Clare O'Hara
Eric Ostfeld
Puxin Feng
David Blain

Mukul Bansal



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Adventrain is a mobile application written using React Native that is designed to enhance the employee training experience through the use of gamification techniques. Instead of the typical training format used in many corporate environments, Adventrain uses AR along with a story-based experience to administer entertaining matching exercises to the user. These training modules are assigned through an infrastructure of user managed groups and tests which are stored in a PostreSQL database backend system. Once a user has been assigned a module, they can access it through a comprehensive, personally tailored user dashboard before they take its associated test. These trainings divide each test's content into stages that the user can complete to gain practice with the material. Users select a specific stage to begin practicing with by finding various virtual objects in a digital or AR space. Once an object has been found, the user is presented with the corresponding training data for that object's category and a matching game that reinforces this information. When the user passes a stage by matching pairs of question and answer cards, they are rewarded with the digital object they selected. Once this process has been completed for all stages of the module, the user is free to begin a traditional testing process in order to meet the training standards of their employer or department head.