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Civil Engineering
Team 11
Team Members |
Faculty Advisor |
Francesca Esposito |
Manish Roy Sponsor Town of Stonington |
sponsored by
The Mystic Trail System Project considered the feasibility of building a network of trails to connect tourist attractions to community infrastructure in Stonington, CT. The goal for this project was to propose an alternative transportation network that would link area features, maximize transportation efficiency and access, and to minimize environmental impact through several ADA-certified wetland crossings. The group also developed a cost estimate, and identified strategies to prioritize paths in the system that could most efficiently improve travel. Our areas of interest for this project were Mystic Seaport, Dennison Homestead, Old Mystic Village, Pequotsepos Nature Center, and the downtown waterfront. To execute the project, team members traveled to the site and gathered data by biking the trail and using the application “Strava GPS Cycling and Running App” to record where they traveled and to collect an inventory of the trails. The group was then able to come up with a basic budget for improving the trail system. Using the data gathered and available survey data, the group determined the best design solutions to improve these trails; the group proposed to regrade a majority of the trail to improve their conditions, while paving one of the most used portions of the trail with asphalt to be more accommodating to all users.