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Team 7

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Giuliana Marchetti
Matthew Severino
Alexis Decker
Michael Frendo
Akira Dunham

Nicholas Lownes


Manafort Brothers

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The project that has been undertaken is under the guidance of and in partnership with Manafort Brothers, Inc. and pertains to the Southwest Campus Infrastructure upgrades at the University of Connecticut. This project is an existing project with plans that were originally designed by Langan Engineering in 2018. Since the project has already been completed, the goal of the project was to simulate construction management tasks as if the project was being prepared and completed in real time. During the fall semester, our group worked to formulate a bid package that is competitive against actual bid packages that were presented for this project. In order to accomplish the creation of a bid package, steps we took included utilizing quantity estimation software such as Bluebeam to itemize, and then quantify materials, labor, and equipment. Using an RS Means book, base unit cost values for all work breakdown items were derived in order to estimate a final quantity. Following a mock bid, the objective during the spring semester shifted to creating the final deliverable, which includes the addition of a resource loaded schedule via Microsoft Project, a submittal log, and the inclusion of sponsor-chosen material submittals. From these items a work plan was formulated to provide instructions for the general sequence of pre-construction, construction, and post-construction activities and summarize all required resources and safety measures.