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Team 21

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Sebastian Puczynski
Virginia Ho
Elijah Rodriguez
Tirth Patel
Michael Wheeler

Steven Demurjian


UConn Computer Science & Engineering Department

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LabOnFHIR: An mHealth app for patient disease tracking

One of the major trends in healthcare is an increasing desire for patients to exert more control over their protected health information (PHI) which contains data that they create and control and data that is maintained in the different health information technology systems that are deployed at hospitals, clinics, medical offices, test laboratories, imaging centers, pharmacies, etc. The LabOnFHIR mobile health application is a mHealth application that allows users to manage diabetes, heart disease, and fitness related data. The front end of LabOnFHIR has a side for the patient, in which patients can input and view their diabetes, heart disease and fitness related data such as glucose levels. Data can be visualized in such a way that is easy for patients to recognize and possibly correct negative patterns such as poor glucose levels or weight gain. This immediate knowledge of a patient's glucose levels will be helpful for doctors to detect abnormalities in patients much sooner than they would otherwise.