team photo

Figure 1
project photo

Figure 2
project photo

Team 10

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Dante Criscio
Michael Christie
Sarah Belal
Denis Foley Jr
Abhilash Bhabad
Ben Pierce (not pictured)

Song Han



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ADT Indoor Positioning in an Emergency

When a client contacts ADT for assistance from their mobile phone, determining their location is key to providing safety and security. The client cannot always provide their location, so the ADT mobile application must be able to determine it for them. While GPS can be used to determine an address, it has difficulty providing a precise location inside a building. When a client is indoors, ADT would like to provide emergency responders with the exact floor and room of the client in order to expedite emergency assistance. The UConn engineering students in this team have developed a mobile application that can determine a client’s position indoors. This indoor position includes which room in a building a client is located inside.