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Team 11

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Y'leise Saez
Kaitlyn Rauccio
Tian Wang
Lucas Scarante

Abhishek Dutta



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Embedded Coding and Software Programming for Glucose Biosensor Implant

Due to type 1 diabetes there is a huge need to continually monitor blood glucose levels in order to avoid life threatening chronic ailments such as blindness and low glucose induced comas. The solution to this problem is the development of a continuous glucose monitor that will monitor glucose monitors and tell a patient whether their glucose levels are too high or too low to assist in glucose management. This project focuses on Biorasis' own continuous glucose monitor. Currently the monitor is split into two parts; a implantable sensor and a communicator. The implantable sensor is small enough to be implanted under the skin and it will be powered by and communicate with an external communicator mounted on top of the implanted region. The goal of the project is to provide a final design for the communicator fitted with extra safety features along with the embedded programming that will allow the communicator to function.