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Team 02

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Cole McNamara
Ben Manoli
Sandra Ruiz
Carrington Henry

Amvirossios Bagtzoglou and Guiling Wang



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Copper Source Identification in New Milford Wastewater Biosolids

Municipal water resource recovery facilities across the country are facing increasing challenges with the ultimate disposal of their biosolids. The presence of contaminants in sludge such as PFAS and heavy metals can greatly restrict a municipality’s disposal options. The New Milford, CT water pollution control facility (WPCF) currently dewaters their biosolids which are then hauled off site for disposal by a third party. As part of this process, the New Milford biosolids must meet certain criteria, among them is a limit on copper. The biosolids being shipped off site periodically exceeds the allowable copper concentration, and the New Milford Sewer Commission (NMSC) is seeking to understand the sources of copper getting into their biosolids as well as research alternatives for source control or treatment prior to having biosolids shipped off site.