Team 02

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Chisa Fukuda
Jada Burton
Patricia Tavarez
Julianna Del Giudice

Craig Calvert and Rajiv Naik


Beta Shim

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Heat Treatment Analysis for an In-House Application to Minimize Cost Impact and Improve Customer Relations

Although many aerospace companies fully manufacture their products, sometimes there is benefit in outsourcing work to other vendors when necessary. Many times, a larger facility with a vast number of customers can produce a part or product cheaper than a company can on their own. However, there are some less desirable factors like: lack of control, unexpected costs, poor quality, and many others that are associated with outsourced work. Heat treatment is a very popular operation used to improve material properties that Beta Shim currently outsources. Per the request of Beta Shim’s customers, we are being asked to assess the productivity and financial feasibility of implementing this process in-house instead. Using past data, extensive research and applied academia, an equipment recommendation and cost analysis and potential simulation will be made for internal heat treatment at Beta Shim. It will be crucial to monitor improved lead times, reduced shipping costs, minimized rework expenditures, and maximized profit and productivity throughout this process to draw an applicable conclusion from the findings.