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Team 7

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Charlotte Chen
Sanjana Nistala
Jenna Salvatore
Allison Determan

Fiona Leek


UConn Biomedical Engineering Department

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Joint-on-a-chip Osteoarthritis Disease Modeling for Evaluating Anti-inflammatory Drug Performance

This project aims to emulate the in vivo environment of a knee joint affected by osteoarthritis (OA). This will be accomplished by designing a chip that mimics the immune response and mechanical strain that cells in an affected joint experience in the human body. The chip will then be fabricated and seeded with cells present in the osteoarthritic joint. The chip can then be used to study the interplay between immune response and mechanical stimulation, as well as to test treatments for OA.

Our team collaborated with Biomedical Engineering 21 on this project.