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Computer Science and Engineering
Team 34

Team Members

Faculty Advisor

Tedros Beyan
Steven Chick
Joao Mbaya
John Owens
Yuxing Peng
Zhaoyu Wu

Seung-Hyun Hong


Walter Nelson, Sr

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Automobile accidents have been one of the leading causes of injury and/or death around the world. Through miscues, senseless driving, drunk driving, inattention, etc. people are paying the price with their livelihood or lives themselves. With the Courtesy Messaging Signaling Device (CMSD) we will attempt to decrease adverse impacts on property and lives by making roads safer. We envision that the CMSD will allow driver-to-driver and/or driver-to-pedestrian communication. Specifically, the technology will provide drivers with the ability to send messages to other drivers and/or pedestrians from their cars using an app that is accessible on a user’s smartphone. In our demonstration of the technology, a driver would be equipped with an LED board that will allow message to be seen from other drivers or pedestrians in their vicinity. We believe that the addition of such technology will make a substantial difference in creating safer roadways for all users.